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HomeSoggy Sneakers

Soggy Sneakers

Soggy SneakersSoggy Sneakers, published by Mountaineers Books of Seattle, Washington, is currently in its fifth edition. It contains descriptions of over 200 runs written by the members of the Willamette Kayak and Canoe Club who have paddled the rivers featured in the book.

Rivers all across the State of Oregon are included in the book, with maps and descriptions of flow, gradient, length and character of each run. The book is an easy read and includes information on logistics for setting shuttles and the best seasons to run each river section.

Check your local bookstores for Soggy Sneakers, or find it online here.

MEMBERS: Get your copy for only $12 at the next member meeting while supplies last.
The members of Willamette Kayak and Canoe Club and our publisher, The Mountaineers Books, are always working to keep Soggy Sneakers as up-to-date as possible. Perhaps you've discovered errors or typos in Soggy Sneakers. Or, maybe you have found conditions on rivers that you have paddled to be different than what is described in the book due to changes in river access, road closures, river bed variations or other factors. If so, let us know! Together, we can keep Soggy Sneakers fresh and accurate for all paddlers.

Please send corrections or noted errors to: soggysneakers [at] comcast [dot] net

And, don't forget to include your contact email and a phone number.  Thanks!

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